台湾正盛行的名模风,令女生没有完美的身材比例,似乎就愧于作为女人,但HBO自制电影「曲线窈窕非梦事」,却要挑战这种传统对女生外表的错误定义! 「曲线窈窕非梦事」「Real Women Have Curves」,是根据编剧乔瑟芬娜洛培兹自己的亲身经历,当时开始写剧本的她,只有19岁,由一个青涩的少女看未来的成年世界,也因为年少的单纯勇气,让很多复杂的传统价值观迷思,在她的笔下都有了解放。 尤其当剧情演到成衣工厂里,所有女工在炙热难熬的厂里,疯狂地脱下衣服,坦承自己所有赘肉食,更是让人想为这几个女生的勇气,站起来鼓掌!也难怪本片在2002年坎城影展中,被「综艺日报」列为「10位杰出制片」,同年更获得日舞影展两次肯定。 导演派翠西亚卡多索当初找赞助时,曾面临赞助财团因为市场性,而要求演员依旧要瘦瘦的模特儿,但在一路坚持下,她幸运得到HBO的青睐与支持,不过之后却也跨了美国4个洲、耗费了2个多月,才将角色一一找齐。
Society sleuths Nick and Nora Charles investigate a murder aboard a floating casino. Nick and Nora Charles are attending a charity benefit aboard a gambling ship. After a murder occurs, suspicion falls on Phil Brant, who had argued with the victim earlier in the evening. When Phil and his wife seek help from Nick and Nora, Nick refuses to get involved. But when shots are fired outside his own apartment, Nick begins to investigate, and he soon finds himself in a confusing case with numerous suspects. Nick and Nora Charles were the ultimate screen couple, husband and wife detectives, always in step and never missing an opportunity to outwit one another as they solved each crime, which they did just in time for the movie's ending. Myrna Loy was a fantastic Nora, the ideal wife and considering she made 14 movies with William Powell, she made it look like they were really married. The Thin Man movies, all six of them, played more like sophisticated screwball comedies than murder mysteries, and their comic banter enhanced the proceedings. Their little wire-haired terrier, Asta, quite often stole the scene as he helped sleuth out the guilty party. He was a great little actor and rumor had it that away from the Thin Man movies, Asta was really Skippy. However, the six Thin Man movies credit this cute pooch as Asta.
Mini Mo(郑秀文饰)遭受失恋的打击后,饮食失去控制后体重升至260磅,窈窕身材不再。她与初恋情人黑川约定在十年后的日本相见,但旧貌不再的她深感自卑。偶然相识了跟她同样体型极胖的肥佬(刘德华饰),肥佬非常同情她,决定要帮她重塑魔鬼身材。肥佬以地狱式减肥方法锻炼Mini,为了让她减肥成功,得到更多的金钱让她上专业美容院减肥,肥佬不惜在街头被拳击换取酬劳。令Mini感动不已。 Mini恢复原貌前去赴约,黑川向她提出求婚,可是她心中仍念念不忘为她默默付出的肥佬,盼望跟他重逢的一天。
Nick and Nora's hopes for a pleasant afternoon at the local race track are dashed when a jockey is found shot dead in the locker room. Nick's friend Lt. Abrams wants him to help out but Nick is enjoying the good life too much to get involved. However, he is subsequently approached by Major Scully to look into corruption and the role of organized crime in gambling. Others are killed but in the end, Nick gathers all of the suspects into a room and identifies the killer.
Steve and Susan Ireland are about to celebrate their 4th wedding anniversary by re-enacting their first date. When Susan's meddling mother interrupts and injures herself. Steve is left to take care of her and when he meets an old flame in the elevator--Susan's mother takes the opportunity to break-up their marriage. She convinces Susan that Steve is cheating on her-Susan files for divorce. Steve has one solution to save his marriage...Pretend he is insane. Written by Kelly