Mini Mo(郑秀文饰)遭受失恋的打击后,饮食失去控制后体重升至260磅,窈窕身材不再。她与初恋情人黑川约定在十年后的日本相见,但旧貌不再的她深感自卑。偶然相识了跟她同样体型极胖的肥佬(刘德华饰),肥佬非常同情她,决定要帮她重塑魔鬼身材。肥佬以地狱式减肥方法锻炼Mini,为了让她减肥成功,得到更多的金钱让她上专业美容院减肥,肥佬不惜在街头被拳击换取酬劳。令Mini感动不已。 Mini恢复原貌前去赴约,黑川向她提出求婚,可是她心中仍念念不忘为她默默付出的肥佬,盼望跟他重逢的一天。
IMPALED REKTUM in jail and with an offer to play Germany's Wacken Open Air festival. Unprepared and imprisoned, the band refuses the festival slot. However, the guitarist's father goes ill and is in dire need as the family home and slaughterhouse are about to be demolished. Cue the music: time to get out of jail!
IMPALED REKTUM 的成员们在狱中被关了几年,突然接到邀请参演德国的瓦肯露天音乐节。乐队在没有准备和身陷囹圄的情况下,回...