For decades of using ruqyah to help people, Ustadz Qodrat failed to ruqyah his son, Alif Al-Fatanah, possessed by a demon named Assuala. Looking for answers to his worries, Qodrat returns to the boarding school in the village where he studied. He finds the place is no longer what it used to be, with unexplained disturbances. Qodrat is again faced with the trauma of having to ruqyah Alif Amri, Yasmin's youngest child, whom he cannot refuse because of the similarity of his name to his late son. In a soul-crushing test, Qodrat again faces the fury of Assuala. Qodrat has to choose between obeying his anger or re-finding his faith.
Goliat is set in a small industrial town somewhere in Sweden. When Roland is sentenced to prison, his son, 17-year old Kimmie, is expected to provide for the family by taking over his dad's criminal business. This is a task he's not ready for. The film's depicting a boy's brutal entry into adult life and examines aspects of social heritage and patriarchal structures, at a time when the welfare is declining and Sweden is changing.
年近七十的本(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)曾经是一位精明强干,事业有成的商人,最终,他还是和大部分老年人一样开始了平淡的退休生活。本对忙碌而又充实的过去无比怀念,孤独与内心里蠢蠢欲动的渴望让他做出了重回职场的决定,成为了年轻的朱尔斯(安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway 饰)手下的一名小小员工。
欧伯利(约翰·李·米勒 Jonny Lee Miller 饰)从小生活在穷困的环境之中,然而,这并未能湮灭他对于单车运动的热爱。在妻子安娜(劳拉·福拉塞尔 Laura Fraser 饰)和好友马尔基(比利·博伊德 Billy Boyd 饰)的支持和鼓励下,欧伯利拥有了他人生中的第一辆改造单车,他亲切的称呼它为“古老的信徒”。
带着这辆单车,欧伯利来到了挪威的室内赛车场参加比赛,并且立刻打破了那里已经维持了十年之久的记录。,因此而结实了一生的对手和挚友克里斯(Adrian Smith 饰)。可是,没过多久,欧伯利的赛车事业便遭遇了巨大的危机,因为世界单车联盟认为“古老的信徒”实在是太过古怪,因此禁止欧伯利骑它参加比赛
故事发生在1991年的俄亥俄州,当地人极为重视的高中生橄榄球赛正在如火如荼的进行着,这一次将要进行对抗的,是来自克利夫兰的凯霍加河突击者队与来自冷水镇的冷水黑熊队。带领着队员全力进攻的是名叫史考特(布莱恩·普莱斯列 Brian Presley 饰)的高中生,在拼尽全力为冷水镇获得了史上第一座冠军奖杯之后,史考特也因腿部骨折而永远的告别了赛场。