When Joan’s husband dies, she is shocked to discover he had invented an elixir which makes the drinker look young again. Sharing it with her two friends, the three women paint the town red but soon discover that they are no longer equipped to be young in the modern world.
地狱男爵(大卫·哈伯 David Harbour 饰)本是作为生物武器被纳粹召唤出来的怪物,却幸运得到了布鲁姆教授(伊恩·麦柯肖恩 Ian McShane 饰)的营救和帮助,在教授的教导和训练之下,地狱男爵渐渐长大,之后加入了超自然调查防御局,成为了局里的王牌战将。
某日,被镇压了千年的女巫血皇后(米拉·乔沃维奇 Milla Jovovich 饰)突破了收容,为了报复人类,她从地狱里召唤来一批可怕的怪兽,攻陷了伦敦。有能力和血皇后对抗的,只有地狱男爵一人,在通灵少女爱丽丝(萨莎·莱恩 Sasha Lane 饰)和上校本(金大贤 饰)的帮助下,一场艰苦且旷日持久的战斗开始了
自从成为正义联盟中的一员,闪电侠巴里(埃兹拉·米勒 Ezra Miller 饰)便成为一个日夜忙碌的超级英雄。可是虽然他已经具备了拯救世人的非凡能力,却依旧对自己既定的命运束手无策。父亲弑妻案(朗·里维斯顿 Ron Livingston 饰)复审在即,关键证据又无法有效 佐证。由于之前对战荒原狼时曾短暂超越光速穿越时空,巴里不顾蝙蝠侠(迈克尔·基顿 Michael Keaton 饰)的劝阻,一路穿越到母亲遇害的那一天。他原本以为通过不起眼的小动作能够拯救母亲,却不曾想宇宙因为这个意外转折而发生蝴蝶效应。当巴里回到自己变成闪电侠的前夕,他发现父母健康快乐的生活,而海王、钢骨、戴安娜等超级战士似乎缺席了这个时代。
更糟糕的是,追杀超人的佐德将军(迈克尔·珊农 Michael Shannon 饰)降临地球,他将在毫无阻碍的情况下毁灭世界…
美国核潜艇蒙坦娜号在深海追踪一个不明物体的时候不幸失踪,高压潜水钻台深海之心号工头巴德(艾德·哈里斯 Ed Harris 饰)接到命令负责配合科菲上尉(迈克尔·比恩 Michael Biehn 饰)前去营救。令人意想不想不到的是一同前往的还有跟巴德一直在闹别扭的妻子—— 石油公司工程师琳西(玛丽·伊丽莎白·马斯特兰托尼奥 Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio)。三人为主的救援队潜到潜艇失踪的海底深渊边缘,却发现潜艇上无人幸存,令人恐慌的是深渊里还存在着一种未知的怪物。经过一系列的危机之后,科菲上尉不听劝阻认定这是苏联的阴谋,决定把从潜艇上拆下来的核弹发射给不明的敌人,于是巴德和琳西联手开始了殊死搏斗。千钧一发之际巴德不顾危险救下了琳西,并且潜下深渊去拆掉核弹头上的引信,完成任务之后巴德的氧气已经消耗殆尽,而就在此刻深海的怪物再次出现
The lives of ten strangers intersect through a terrifying chain of events as a mutating fungus begins to spread through a small town wiping out everyone that comes into contact with it.by:
Thale (17) has just moved with her parents to a small town after her mother has a new job in the local police. After a student is killed brutally at a party Thale attends, she becomes a key witness. Was the killer an animal? A wolf?
Nala, a 13-year-old girl from the city, travels with her family to her grandmother's home in the countryside, to try to find a cure for her little sister's mysterious illness - But she'll soon find her granny is not exactly what she seems.