故事紧接着上一季,通过一场精心策划的大爆炸,沃尔特(布莱恩·科兰斯顿 Bryan Cranston 饰)终于除掉了长久以来的威胁古斯塔沃(吉安卡洛·埃斯珀西多 Giancarlo Esposito 饰),也将古斯塔沃一手建立的毒品帝国连根拔起。然而,“事业”上的成功并没有为沃尔特带来太多的快乐,因为他和妻子斯凯勒(安娜·古恩 Anna Gunn 饰)之间的关系再次跌落到了冰点。 古斯塔沃死了,但沃尔特的野心并没有消失,他联手杰西(亚伦·保尔 Aaron Paul 饰)与麦克(乔纳森·班克斯 Jonathan Banks 饰),开始建立属于他的新的帝国。一次偶然中,汉克(迪恩·诺里斯 Dean Norris 饰)在沃尔特家中发现了沃尔特就是海森堡的确凿证据,巨大的打击之下,他决心大义灭亲,昔日的连襟,如今沦为对手。与此同时,一股新的势力正在毒品圈内逐渐壮大,他们即将成为汉克最强大的敌人。
After doing a guest lecture at a British University, Dr. Brennan and Booth are asked to investigate the death of a young woman. Her father is a wealthy American businessman working in the U.K.. Their counterparts assist them in the investigation. Meanwhile Angela's husband arrives at the Jeffersonian, he is not interested in divorcing her.
Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in Seattle. He now has a spot as a popular radio Psychiatrist, giving him the chance to spread words of wit and wisdom to the masses. He shares his apartment with his retired cop father, Martin, and his father's physical care assistant, Daphne Moon. Add in brother Niles, Eddie the dog, some bizarre situations and plenty of humour and you've got all the ingredients for an excellent show and worthy successor to Cheers.
芝加哥警署第21辖区分为两个部分,包括直接打击犯罪的行动组和负责调查城市之中犯罪团伙的情报组。汉克(杰森·贝吉 Jason Beghe 饰)是情报组的组长,他嫉恶如仇,将打击犯罪当做自己义不容辞的首要任务,在他英明果断的决策下,许多穷凶极恶的犯罪分子一一落网。 安东尼奥(乔恩·塞达 Jon Seda 饰)是汉克手下的一员要将,尽管他曾经和汉克有过一段不太愉快的过去,但他依然将在汉克手下工作当做是一种光荣。其他身在行动组的组员们亦是如此,能够跻身成为情报组中的一员是他们梦寐以求的事情。然而,情报组的工作谈何容易,加入了情报组,就以为这要和芝加哥最邪恶、最凶残的罪犯展开正面交锋。