Mason Maestro has just directed what he considers to be his masterpiece, a film titled 'That's a Wrap.' The cast arrive to the studio excited to celebrate what they just created. But they aren't the only ones there. Someone has dressed up as Mistress, the slasher in the film, and has decided to make the art real by staging their own highly stylized kill scenes. One by one, the ...
Story of a husband and wife that will stop at nothing to find her missing daughter, who disappeared on a family camping trip. When the police don't catch any leads, the duo take over.
唐尼(连姆·尼森 Liam Neeson 饰)曾经是满怀着正义感惩奸除恶的警察,却因为意外而被迫离职,离职之后,唐尼成为了一名私家侦探,专门为离婚案件提供线索。唐尼是一个可以为了达到目的而不择手段的男人,这种不择手段包括为了能够找到出轨证据而不惜让自己的妻子安捷琳(劳拉·桑·吉亚科莫 Laura San Giacomo 饰)去勾引客户的丈夫。
近来,令罪犯们闻风丧胆的联邦调查局探员特瑞(克林特·伊斯特伍德 Clint Eastwood 饰)正在调查一个名为“密码杀手”的神秘人物,就在这个节骨眼上,突发的心脏病让特瑞不得不提前走下了工作岗位,在接受了心脏移植手术后,退休的特瑞选择远离危险的工作,来到了偏僻的乡下静养。
一转眼,两年过去了,一个名叫格莱夏埃拉(旺达·德·杰索斯 Wanda De Jesus 饰)的神秘女子的来访扰乱了特瑞平静的生活。原来,为特瑞提供心脏的是格莱夏埃拉的妹妹,巧合的是,她就是“密码杀手”手下诸多的受害者之一。以此为契机,特瑞重新开始了对于凶手的调查和追击,就在他逐渐接近真相的同时,危险也来到了他的身边。
In his first film, Shane Atkinson goes back to a cinema that isn’t afraid of mixing genres, where noir and western coexist with the most corrosive of comedies and pulp detective stories. LaRoy, some sort of earthly fairy tale, centers around the life of Ray—he’s doing quite well with his small hardware store, and is married to Stacy-Lynn, the town’s beauty queen. But his dream present crumbles when his friend Skyp, a private investigator, reveals to him that his wife is having an affair. Devastated by the news, he decides to take his own life, but when he’s about to shoot himself, he is approached by a man who mistakes him for a hitman and offers him a considerable amount of cash for a job. A wildly intelligent narrative about pathetic characters that oscillates in the thin line between irony and empathy without the audience noticing.
最近,在曼哈顿发生了一连串的离奇死亡事件,而这些事件的主要责任竟要归结到一对对此毫不知情的昆虫学家夫妇苏珊(米拉·索维诺 Mira Sorvino 饰)和皮特(杰瑞米·诺森 Jeremy Northam 饰)的身上。
原来,为了抵抗曾经在曼哈顿肆虐的疫情,苏珊和皮特创造出了一种名为“犹大”的昆虫,这种人造昆虫没有繁殖的能力,却能够消灭病毒的携带体蟑螂。令两夫妇没有想到的是,在犹大的体内发生了未知的变异,使得它不仅拥有了繁殖后代的能力,甚至可以化身成人类的模样进行狩猎,而它们的猎物不是别人,正是人类本身。作为犹大的“父母”,苏珊和皮特义不容辞的担负起了消灭它们的责任,在地铁系统专家雷纳德(查尔斯·达顿 Charles S. Dutton 饰)的帮助下,一行人向着犹大在地下的老巢进发了。
Sam, receives a call from Emily a nearly blind woman who is running from her murderous ex in the woods. She must survive the ordeal with Sam being her eyes using video call.