The plot of the film sees a U.S. military veteran — Sergeant Rick Pedroni — return home changed and dangerous after a tour of duty in Afghanistan where he suffered an attack by a mysterious force. While officials dismiss his behavior as PTSD, and order trauma therapy, Rick's wife Kate discovers her husband has been possessed by a malevolent spirit. Kate has to race against time...
In a desperate bid to secure a future for her child, an undocumented immigrant mother takes a caretaker job. Unbeknownst to her, the elderly man conceals a horrifying truth.
A team of influencer bloggers decides to hold a ritual at the mansion of the "black countess". A fan of the supernatural, she disappeared without a trace after she was offered to play a game that was supposed to take her to another dimension. By evoking the spirit of the Countess, bloggers let otherworldly forces into the world. The one who can bring the demons back will surviv...
瑞贝卡(泰莉莎·帕尔墨 Teresa Palmer 饰)早早离开了母亲索菲(玛丽亚·贝罗 Maria Bello 饰),独自生活,之后索菲和保罗(比利·伯克 Billy Burke 饰)结婚,瑞贝卡有了一位名为马丁(加布里埃尔·贝特曼 Gabriel Bateman 饰)的同母异父的弟弟。然而,保罗在一场事故中死于非命,索菲因此陷入了悲伤和绝望之中,与此同时,马丁发现,妈妈常常会对着黑暗窃窃私语,似乎那里隐藏着一位“不速之客”。
精神备受折磨的马丁向瑞贝卡求助,瑞贝卡因此想起了自己童年时代发生过的与此极为相似的事件。经过调查,这位隐藏在黑暗之中的神秘人物名为戴安娜(艾丽西娅·维拉-贝利 Alicia Vela-Bailey 饰),曾是母亲住院其间最好的朋友,之后死于一场医疗事故,如今,戴安娜的亡魂再度回到了索菲的身边,她要这位她最好的朋友永远的和她在...
年轻指挥家亚德里安(奎姆·古铁雷兹 Quim Gutiérrez 饰)的女友贝伦(克拉拉·拉戈 Clara Lago饰)失踪了,活不见人死不见尸,只留下一段视频讯息。郁闷的亚德里安不断被警察怀疑和调查,烦不胜烦之下到小酒馆浇愁,一不小心喝的大醉,受到女招待法比安娜(玛蒂娜·加西亚 Martina García)照顾,两人迅速陷入新的恋情。很快,法比安娜住进亚德里安的大宅,敏感的她时时感到房子里面不对劲,浴室里面好像总有奇怪的声音,亚德里安对此不以为意,但法比安娜开始时时留心,还一度怀疑是他前女友的鬼魂作祟。一天,在卧室更衣的法比安娜拾到一把古怪的钥匙,似乎接近了一个天大的秘密……
Introverted Cameron, is desperately in love with his high school crush Diane. But his romantic pursuit is halted when Victoria, a female vampire moves in next door. Cameron soon discovers he's in the middle of a life-and-death adventure.