Set in the countryside of Cuba, a domineering father exerts a strong influence over his family. However, when he suddenly disappears, his 13 year old daughter Lili is distraught. Attempting to bring him back, she uses a spiritual ritual and uncovers an uncomfortable truth.
The United Kingdom. Soon. Civil war rages. A woman wakes up in a blindingly white cuboid cell. Using its sophisticated functionality, her captor tortures her for information; information she claims not to have - or does she?
Conservationist Maria Diekmann visits Vietnam, Thailand and China to show how unusual scaly mammals called pangolins have become one of the most poached and illegally trafficked animal species in the world. 环境保护者玛丽亚·迪克曼访问了越南、泰国和中国,展示了被称为穿山甲的不寻常的鳞片哺乳动物已经成为世界上最被偷猎和非法贩运的动物物种之一