安东尼(让·雷谢夫 Jean Rochefort 饰)从小就对理发师这个职业情有独钟,在他所暗恋的理发师雪弗夫人(Anne-Marie Pisani 饰)猝死后,他决心长大后一定要娶一个理发师为妻。长大后的安东尼遇见了马蒂德(安娜·加列娜 Anna Galiena 饰),两人迅速坠入了爱河。虽然母亲不愿承认儿媳妇的存在而父亲又在重要关头心脏病突发过世,但安东尼要将马蒂德娶回家的信念从未动摇。婚后的两人过着如胶似漆的幸福生活,甚至要比婚前更加甜蜜。他们整日黏在一起,用尽了各种方法探索彼此的精神和肉体,而就在这段美满的爱情即将到达顶峰的时候,马蒂德的自杀给予了安东尼沉重的一击,也让他迅速的陷入了困惑之中。
Set during the last days of the civil war that followed the Russian Revolution. The Crimea Peninsula is the last stronghold of the White Guard, and the Red Army is planning the final assault. The first story line of the movie follows two Red Army soldiers unlikely friends Nekrasov and Karyakin. The second story line is about a White Guard officer Brusentsov who is devoted to Russia and his cause but sees it being destroyed day by day.